Visibility & Intelligence

Platform Built For The Massive Scale

— Can you imagine that the entire internet was run through DPI boxes? That wouldn't really scale, for sure. We provide a NetFlow/IPFIX solution that gets really close to the precision of opening each package without the drawbacks of cost, scale and latency of DPI solutions —

Enhanced Application Classification

— A Machine Learning approach that is much more precise at classifying traffic and application compared to port-based solutions. Get domain information even for Encrypted traffic —

Smart Raw Data Filter

Filter data with drill-down capabilities that are enhanced when combining filter queries with our Persistent Timeline Selection and our Traffic View selections

Identify Top Talkers

Quickly find your network's hogs, identify if they are doing a legitimate use of the network through our Application Detection, Domains they are visiting, and Geolocation of their traffic

Trusted By NetOps & SecOps

Loved by Service Providers, Data-Centers, and Multi-Cloud businesses
— Taking away all the complexity by getting Big-Data and Machine Learning to work for you —